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发表于 2009-1-5 21:56:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Side trend.
Variants of events' development that take effect if:
1. if the pair will go down lower than trend line "X", the pair will godown lower than level 1.3800, then the levels 1.3838 and 1.2950 willbecome its target.
- cancellation of the scenario if after passing level 1.3800, the pair will go up to  level 1.3900.
2 -/-
3. if trend line "Y" will be passing up, the level 1.4935 will become its target.
- cancellation of the scenario if after passing trend line "Y" the pair will go down then trend line "Y".

USD/CHF forecast
Ascenfing trend.
Variants of events' development that take effect if:
1. if the pair will go higer than trend line "B+", then trend line "E+"will become its target. If trend line "E+" will be broken throughupwards, then level 1.1720 will become its target.
- cancellation of the scenario if after passing upwards of trend line "E+", the pair will go downward then trend line "E+".
2. -/-

GOLD forecast
Side trend, there are some signs of down trend.
If trend line "C+" will be broken through downward, then trend line "E"will be achieved, level ~830.00. If trend line "E" wil be brokenthrough downward also, then trend line "B" will become its target,level 807.00. And if trend line "B" also will be broken throughdownwards, then level 750.94 will become its target.
- cancellation of the scenario if after passing trend line "E" downward, the pair will be broken through her upwards.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-5 21:59:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-2-8 23:24:45 | 显示全部楼层

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