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安装 MetaTrader

发表于 2008-10-13 21:39:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Alpari (UK)Ltd通过MetaTrader   4.提供专业的FOREX因特网交易服务
  第一步:   在我们的网站上下载MT4
  第二步: 与你运行任何Windows   程序一样,运行MT4.exe文件
  第三步: 下拉清单中选择安装语言。然后按下一步按钮

第四步. Click the Next button after reading the notic

In the next window   check the "Yes, ..." box if you agree with the terms of the   license agreement. Then press the Next button:

第五步. Select data path and press the Next button:

Then choose   program group and press the Next button:

第六步. Press the Next button to install MetaTrader 4 on   your computer:

Installation is in   process:

Once MetaTrader 4 has been installed you can   launch it by clicking the "Launch MetaTrader 4" box. Then press the Finish button:

To launch   MetaTrader 4 you can click on "Start/Programs/MetaTrader 4/MetaTrader" or on its   desktop icon.

First-time MetaTrader   4 users will be prompted to fill in the application form to open a demo   account:

Those, who already trade via MetaTrader 4, can open a demo account   anytime by selecting the "File->Open an Account" item from   the MetaTrader 4 menu. Then fill in the application form to open a training   account as shown above.

After choosing your preferred leverage size and deposit value, clickthe "I agree to subscribe into your news letters" box to produce acheck mark and press the Next button.

Then press the Next button. In the next window you will see your login and password to trade on the   demo account:

Once you press the Finish button you will have access to your demo   account.

Note, that if your demo account is inactive for 90 days   it is automatically deleted by our server.

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